Sunday, February 21, 2016

Miscellaneous Ramblings Vol.9 No.2

Hello Everyone… It’s  February. Love in bloom!

Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear. ~Mark Twain

>>>An Italian chef diesHe pasta way. We connoli do so much. His legacy will become a pizza history. Here today, gone tomato. How sad that he ran out of thyme. Sending olive my prayers to the family. His wife is really upset; cheese still not over it. You never sausage a tragic thing. It’s such a shame good people have to die fusilli reasons. It was a fearfalle from grace.

>>>Mega Ship... One of the largest container ships in the world came into the port of Oakland, all 1300 feet of it. 1300 feet is about a quarter mile!

>>>Speaking of that… Here’s an interesting comparison, the old cruise ship Titanic and a modern cruise ship behind it.

>>>Sports… Want to know my favorite name in sports? Okay I’ll tell yah … Manu Tuiasosopo (Too e ahso so po). Say that several times and perhaps you’ll like it too, if you don’t already. So what’s your favorite sport name? Just the name, not necessarily the individual. Hmmmm?

Disclaimer… Those of you who are not TV situation comedy watchers, and you know who you are, will most likely not be on speaking terms with one of the most popular shows on TV, The Big Bang Theory. So you may want to skip the next two entries.

>>>Trouble on The Big Bang Theory It seems the song sung to calm the fractious Sheldon Cooper is said to be stolen merchandise. The producers of the program are being sued by the daughters of the late-poet Edith Newline. There on page 27 of Laura MacCarteney’s 1937 book of songs for children is Newline’s poem, Warm kitty, soft kitty, little ball of fur; Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr! purr! purr! The Big Bang’s version is slightly changed: Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur; Sleepy kitty, happy kitty, purr! purr! purr! 

>>>Law Suit… The music company that sold Soft Kitty to the Warner Brothers, producers of The Big Bang Theory bought the rights to MacCarteney’s book. Ergo... The key legal question in this case comes down to whether the publisher, by buying the rights to the book, also acquired the rights to the songs contained therein. Hmmmm?

>>>Corrections… A friend monitoring the accuracy of what I include in these ramblings points out the following in last month’s issue: 1) Twain never said to “Twenty years from now, etc, etc…” It’s not clear who did, nevertheless, it remains good advise and for some reason sounds like something Twain might have said whilst piloting a paddle wheeler down the Mississippi. 2) The “God Bless You” account didn’t happen quite that way. The incident was embellished due to the telling and the retelling. But it seems so plausible. Away, one can’t believe everything one reads. Such is life.

>>>A definition… Some people, especially politicos, get upset at the thought of compromising. But, A compromise is an agreement reached by mutual consent. Now I ask you, what’s wrong with that?

>>>A case of radio procedure rudeness... I’m sure you’ve heard someone talking on a shortwave radio, such as in one of those old war movies, or a truck driver using a CB. The person says, “roger, over and out”… That literally means, “I understand what you said, it’s your turn to talk, but I’m not listening.” What should have been said was either, “roger, out” (if the conversation has ended) or roger, over” (if the conversation is to continue.) Thought you would want to know that. You didn’t…oh well.

>>>Something to ponder… You want peace of mind, well here's what experts have found that contribute greatly to emotional and mental stability. 1) The absence of suspicion and resentment. 2) Not living in the past. 3) Not wasting time fighting conditions you cannot change. 4) Force yourself to stay involved with the living world. 5) Refuse to indulge in self-pity when life hands you a raw deal. 6) Cultivate the old-fashioned virtues – love, honor, compassion and loyalty. 7) Don't expect too much of yourself, in other words don't make your goals so high that they're not attainable. 8) Find something bigger than yourself to believe in.

>>>Quiz…Mary's father has five daughters: 1) Lala, 2) Lele, 3) Lili, 4) Lolo... What's the name of the fifth daughter?

>>>More neologisms (newly coined words)… 1) negligent (adj.) describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in you nightgown. 2) lymph (v.) a walk with a lisp. 3) gargoyle (n.) gross olive-flavored mouthwash. 

A final thought…The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter – ‘tis the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning. ~Mark Twain

Well, that’s it for this time, stay tuned for the next time... But in the meantime ... stay well, be safe, keep in touch, Sam

And little ZeeDee says, “Woof.”