Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pioche, Additional Photographs

From the top:
#1...This is the Gem Theater, which it would appear has been closed for a long time.
#2...This is the old school whose owner was run out of town.
#3...This is Godbe’s Mill that processed the ore carried to it by the tram system.
#4...This is the tram, which operated in the 1920s and 30s. It carried ore from high on Treasure Hill down to the Godbe’s Mill in the valley a couple miles away. It was powered for the most part by gravity, with the aid of a five-horse power engine. The momentum of the loaded buckets going down hill was enough to cause empty buckets to move back up to the top of the hill. The little lawn mower sized engine was there just to help out when help was needed.
#5...This is a portion of the Pioche Golf Course. It’s a 9-hole, 1656-yard course with 7 par 3 holes and 2 par 4 holes. The rules say you can carry a small artificial swatch of grass to use after teeing off. Hope is alive that they will be able to expand the course, build a clubhouse and include a driving range. They even hope to have real grass someday. Right now it may not be the prettiest course, but it's a start.


John Montgomery said...

Sam you cutting edge Blog-A-ting devil you. Does this mean the demise of your "Keeping in Touch Newsletter"? I guess I'll have to follow your lead into the Blogisphere, sometime in the near future.

Cheers, John-

Sam said...

Hi John...I'll keep doing the newsletter. Two different things with different purposes.

Anonymous said...

So I just ignore the "try again" message in red and when I hit "Preview" the verification code goes into effect and I just repeat this and the response is "Your comment was published", so what are my publication rights? Lee

Joe Farias said...


You missed your calling. You should have been a writer in your earlier life.

I enjoyed reading your blog.


Sam Hipkins said...

Thanks Joe. Writing this blog is a lot of fun.

Joe Felton said...

Sam, this is a georgeous web site. Very well done! Crescent Beach is now on my list of places to see.